Last Chance

Author:Katie Rose


Total pages:93


Max Baines, the man whose face covers the bedroom walls of mothers and
daughters alike.
Who’s mind and mouth both belong in the gutter.
A singer.
A son.
A brother.
A friend.
A very passionate lover who will always promise to call you but never will.
Why would he when there’s always more girls on tap for him?
He’s not an addict, but a rock star, he knows what he did was stupid, reckless
and the biggest mistake he’ll ever make. But the world treating him like he
needs rehabilitation for a drug he’s not even addicted to is having the
opposite effect. His Rock n Roll life style is quickly dissolving and he’s not
even craving it anymore.
His only addiction is to her. Alison Cannock. His Ali. She’s curvy, sassy and
beautiful and she has never taken any of his bull-. But now she’s gone. She’s
left their management and refuses to take his calls.

With so many broken promises and so much to fix, could this really be the Last

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