What A Girl Wants

Author:Jamie Sobrato

Category:Billionaire Romance

Total pages:82


What a girl says...
Say no to sex. So Jane Langston advises women if they want better relationships. Who knew that as a result men across the country would be sleeping single and blaming her? Now Jane needs a little protection. It arrives in the form of gorgeous Luke Nicoletti, and he has her thinking maybe no isn't the right answer. Instead, she's taking him up on his offer to prove that sex can improve relationships!

Isn't what a girl does
Luke can't figure out why a woman as sexy as Jane would give such, well, puritan advice. Because when they kiss, they're combustible! Their affair is so steamy, he can't seem to keep his mind on the reason he's there. But as the threats against Jane continue, Luke starts feeling a little more protective of her than his role as her security guy and casual lover warrant. Suddenly he's showing her how their just-for-now affair is hot enough to last forever.

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