Make Me: The World Of Knott

Author:Alyx X.


Total pages:88


Three Vampires Kings in search of an Omega, and now they have me.
To control.
To dominate.

Omega's are rare, and when I revealed as an Omega, I knew I was in trouble.
My twin brother did his best to protect me, but we were poorer than dirt and couldn’t access any of the fancy Omega Sanctuaries you always read about.

So, he did the only thing he could: sold himself to the Vampires’s on The Blood Market to come up with the money.

But, when he turned up missing, it was up to me to save him.

Nevermind that I have no experience, no powers, and as my brother liked to remind me: no balls. Literally. Omega’s aren’t made to fight, but I was out of options.

I stormed into their ‘not-so-secret’ lair to demand answers, and instead found myself gagged, bound, and sold.

My fate now lies in the hands of my new owners: the brutal Vampire kings who seem all too willing to work together to share me after years of war.

I have a limited window to escape before I become addicted to their bite, but there is something about these kings that keeps pulling me back... It all lies in the answer of what happened to my brother.

To find out, I am going to have to play the vampire’s game.

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