Summertime Rapture

Author:Katie Winters


Total pages:64


It's another summer on Martha's Vineyard. It’s one the Remington Women won't forget.

Elsa's middle child, Mallory, is often described as the quietest and sweetest of all the Remington Women— just as happy go lucky as Elsa, agreeable as Janine, and punctual as Nancy.

Needless to say, it never pleased Mallory to be overlooked. But after her accidental pregnancy with her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Lucas, plus the death of her father and grandfather in the span of a year, she's had very little time to ask herself that pivotal question: Who. Am. I?

At twenty-five, Mallory is ready to find out. And unfortunately for her family members, she can't exactly do that while working as a full-time secretary at the Katama Lodge and Wellness Spa.

She wants a career. She wants real love— the kind that makes you weak in the knees and ready to become the best version of yourself.

Part of her wants to do all this to show her son what she's made of. But another part wants to do it purely for herself.

Meanwhile, summer is in full-swing, bringing with it sailing competitions, food festivals, concerts, and a stream of beautiful celebrities and incredibly wealthy tourists.

Meanwhile, Elsa's new love, widower Bruce Holland, interests Mallory as he digs into a local criminal case, one that sweeps the island and creates some juicy gossip. As Bruce and Mallory begin the case— Bruce finds himself aligning his vision of his future with the woman who's finally made him forget his sorrow, Elsa Remington.

Does Mallory have it in her to help Bruce with the criminal case? Does she dare ask for something more than what she has? And will Lucas ever be enough for her— or is there a whole lot of love out there waiting?

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