Commitment (Change 2)

Author:Heather Dahlgren



Total pages:35


Maddie Duff had a horrible childhood - dreadful, vile, and appalling, thanks to her deranged mother. Maddie was forced into a life that made her believe that perfection and beauty were the most important things. She was taught that the only relationships worth having with men were those of a sexual nature; men were not worth the commitment. She leads a life of fun, carefree, emotionless sex with countless men. She lives with her best friends, Kenz and Becca, who she considers her only family. She also has an ongoing ‘friends with benefits’ thing with her friend and neighbor, Young. Tyler Young is hot, sexy and loves women. He is foul-mouthed, idiotic and hysterical. He lives with his best friends, Campbell and Dick. These three may bust each other; however, they have each other’s back in the blink of an eye. Young has his sights set on Maddie. They have an intense, mind-blowing time in the bedroom … Until he decides he wants more. Even though Young has Maddie feeling things she has never felt before, not to mention her panties on fire, when he suggests a relationship she takes off. Young is determined to make Maddie his, whatever the cost. He comes up with a plan that he believes will do just that. Make Maddie his … mind, body and soul. Can Young convince Maddie that he is worth breaking all her rules for? Will Maddie be able to let down her walls, forget what she believes, and let Young in? What happens when the past finally catches up with you and the truth is revealed? Is the Commitment worth it?

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