Jewels And Feathers (Race Games 3)

Author:Kendra Moreno


Series:Race Games

Total pages:50


Munin has spent her life collecting secrets and trinkets, but when she loses her brother to the Games, she's forced to change her focus. Deciding to enter the Race Games herself to discover who orchestrated her brother's death, Munin is prepared to do what it takes to find the information she so desperately seeks. She'll call in every favor if she has to.

Her only barrier is that she needs a team worthy of Odin's spy.

No living person will do, so Munin decides to do something she's never dared to do before. She goes to Valhalla and drags back three Viking warriors into a second life. They were meant to aide her survival in the race, but Munin can't help the way Brin, Vidar, and Eirik make her burn.

The corruption in the Race Games is growing. Munin has never been a noble bird, but she knows Hugin would have wanted her to act. Battle axe in hand, Munin and her Vikings will avenge her brother and burn those who would pit supe against supe, no matter those who stand in their way.

Not all battles are fought with a blade.
Some of them are fought with four tires and a checkered flag. . .

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