Blood & Honey (Race Games 1)

Author:Kendra Moreno


Series:Race Games

Total pages:0


Danica Dyers used to live life at full throttle until, one day, she hung up her helmet for good. She switched from spending her days on the race track to running her own mechanic shop and volunteering at the local orphanage. Her life became steady and comfortable, but she'd never admit out loud how much she missed the thrill of the race.

When two men show up claiming to be vampires, Danica isn't sure what to think. She only knows they feel like predators, but they claim they aren't there to hurt her. Instead, the vampires need a driver and they offer Danica a deal she can't refuse.

Soon, Danica finds herself knee deep in the supernatural world she never knew existed. The stakes of the Race Games are high, the threats are great, and Danica must trust her instincts if she wants to win. It could cost her everything-her car, her life, her heart-but the woman who starts the race is never the same one who finishes it.

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines...
