Dawn Skies (Stormcloud Station)

Author:Suzanne Cass


Total pages:0


When you love someone...you’ll do anything to protect them.

Warwick Nobles values his job as the leading hand at Stormcloud Station, but lately he’s been feeling restless and thinks about moving on. Sent out to check a malfunctioning camera at an isolated bore site, he finds something astounding that will change his life forever.

Kee Singh cares about only one thing, her four-year-old daughter, Bennie. At first, she doesn’t want to trust Warwick, but she’s left with little option when her car breaks down in the middle of the outback and she runs out of food and water. This small-town cowboy catches her off guard. Broody and handsome, Warwick starts to break down Kee’s trust issues, when he proves honest men do exist.

Warwick makes a deal with Kee, to keep her safe and sheltered until she can find a way out of her predicament.

But Kee never intended to stay in Queensland, and she will always put her daughter first. When she finally tells him the truth, that she testified against her husband—a corrupt cop—and is now on the run, afraid for her daughter’s safety, Warwick wonders if he can truly protect her, after all.
