Dare To Be Naughty (Masters Club 3.50)

Author:Claire Thompson


Series:Masters Club

Total pages:24


A would-be submissive, a skeptical Dom, the chance of a lifetime...

Dahlia’s super curious about Hayden’s BDSM lifestyle. While the idea of a strong alpha male staking his claim and making his conquest is appealing, she’s not sure about giving up control. Not to mention those whips and chains…

Hayden, a Dom at the private, exclusive Masters Club, knows better than to play in the vanilla world. His inner sadist demands his woman on her knees, over his lap or strapped to his bed. But the more time he spends with Dahlia, the surer he is there’s a sexy sub girl lurking just below the surface.

When Dahlia begs to attend the Masters Club holiday party, Hayden is intrigued. But she’ll need more than desire to get him to agree. When he puts her through a test of submission, the results may stun them both…

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