Addictive (Diamondback MC Second Generation 3)

Author:Tory Baker


Series:Diamondback MC Second Generation

Total pages:29


I never thought one moment in time could change my life, yet it did.


I’m the girl that left the club life, not because I didn’t love my family, I did, now more so than ever. It was just that a different life called to me. I was ready to spread my wings and fly, so that’s what I did. Until one day my world came crashing down, everything changed: my past, my present, and my future.


I met Massimo in one of my weakest hours. His nephew needed comfort just as much as I did. Little did I know that the man I was slowly falling for, letting my shield down for, was also someone who put a family member at risk. Not only my world, but my family’s world comes crumbling down around us.


Massimo has other plans though and he won’t give Henley up that easily.

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