Accidental Fake Billionaire

Author:Haley Travis

Category:Billionaire Romance

Total pages:0


The moment I locked eyes with the mesmerizing blonde in the bridal dress, I knew I had to have her.
So I kissed her.

Playing the “billionaire” role for my sister’s fashion show was awkward, but that didn’t matter once I posed for the cameras with that knockout in my arms. That instant connection, that flare of pure heat... That wasn’t for show.

Then I discovered Tara actually thought I was wealthy. Somehow I had to find a way to gently break the truth to her while making her fall in love with me.

I needed her to be mine. She belonged in my arms. My rough hands belonged on her soft skin.

It’s too fast to fall this hard, but my shy, gorgeous girl is going to find that no matter how we met, we’re meant to be together.
