Perfect Fit: Flirty Fitness

Author:M.K. Moore


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Welcome to the FitFirm, gym to the stars. We offer state-of-the-art equipment, personalized fitness regimens, and above all else discretion. The classes we offer can be downright dirty. Remember, the FitFirm has it all and no one will ever know.

Have you ever felt like someone was the perfect fit for you?

Everett O'Brien doesn't have to work out properly. He's a new surgical resident who ends up at the gym near the hospital for a midnight yoga class. Too bad it's a couple's tantric yoga class and he's single.

Not for long.

River Jones grew up in a commune and started studying yoga at a young age. Now she's a master and teaching what she knows. Tantra just happens to be her specialty.

This is what happens when Everett makes the beautiful and flexible yogini his.
