Counting The Days (Counting The Billions 1)

Author:Lexy Timms


Series:Counting the Billions

Total pages:40


"He asked me what my favorite position was. I said CEO."

Abby James doesn't count on a man to keep her happy. She's content with who she is, her size and doesn't need to be some arm candy to make her feel pretty or smart. She is all of these things. Sort of.

Burned by love more than once, she's not going down that road again. Her brother's married to her best friend and they have cute kids. She can be the crazy-awesome aunt instead of a mother.

Focusing on her career prospects, she takes a leap and applies for a position under billionaire CEO Daniel McGregor.

Except her goal is to move up in her field, not under her boss. Hot as he is, she's determined to stay focused on her career. But when Daniel proves not to be the ruthless playboy the media makes him out to be, can Abby make room for love in her life?

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