All The Little Lies (English Prep 1)

Author:S.J. Sylvis

Category:Young Adult

Series:English Prep

Total pages:99


English Prep stands tall with its ivy-covered exterior and old, wrought-iron doors. The stone gargoyles sit at the school’s entrance, knowing just as much as anyone: I don’t belong.

Once upon a time, I did. I belonged in the “it” crowd with all the other well-endowed kids, but now, I am no longer welcome.

Not after five years away from this place.
Not after the scandal that landed me on the wrong side of the tracks.

I’d be lying if I said I’m not looking forward to seeing the one person who was always by my side. My old best friend. My safe place.

Only, Christian isn’t the same boy I left behind. His cold, brooding, devastatingly attractive glare sends chills down my spine. My old best friend doesn’t welcome me with open arms, and I have no idea why. Lies continue to fall from our lips.

Christian wants me gone.
But I’m determined to stay. 

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