Mountain Man Fixated

Author:Olivia T. Turner


Total pages:27


I'm a city girl.
I don't do nature.
It sucks.
Bugs, bears, poison ivy.
You name it, I hate it.
So, when my niece asks me to accompany her on a camping trip, I'm horrified.
But I'm a good aunt, so I say yes.
Well, that was a huge mistake.
One of many.
Forgetting the bug spray. That was a mistake.
So was thinking I could control a canoe.
Spoiler alert: I can't.
When I get irrevocably lost from the group in the mountain wilderness, I think I've made a fatal mistake.
Until Cyrus finds me.
He's big, strong, and the toughest man these mountains have ever seen.
But he goes absolutely weak when he sees me.
An obsession takes over and he's not about to let me go.
Is there anything in the survival guide for when a burly mountain man becomes obsessed with you?
Spoiler alert: Nope. There's not.

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