Sweet As Candy: Trick Or Treat Collaboration

Author:Tory Baker


Total pages:25


From the moment Dylan Walker stepped foot into the new bakery, Sweet as Candy, he knew Candy Jameson was meant to be his. But, Dylan doesn’t come alone. He adopted his nephew Johnny and they’re definitely a package deal. Not many women want a man who comes with a ready-made family.

Still, the attraction between Candy and Dylan is instant and so hot that it just might consume both of them. Candy’s heart melts for little Johnny as much as it starts beating faster for Dylan.

Trick or Treat! Tory definitely has a treat for you in this book, which is guaranteed sweet as any candy you might score this holiday season. It’s guaranteed safe, an over the top single-dad Alpha, hot enough to keep you warm on those cool fall nights and won’t cause cavities. What more could you want?

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