You And Me Forever (Oh Captain, My Captain 6)

Author:Lindsay Paige


Series:Oh Captain, My Captain

Total pages:68


Oh Captain, My Captain presents Luca Zotov of the Nebraska Bucks.

Luca Zotov has been happily committed to his girlfriend for ten years before he finally takes the next step by proposing. It’s always been the two of them and Luca has never wanted that to change, something he’s always been clear and adamant about. His world is split into two halves, his girlfriend and hockey, and he’s never wanted anything more than that.

Hadley Lincoln is happy with Luca by her side and she’s never been more sure about anything before in her life. After ten years of loving him, he finally asks for her to marry him. It’s something that she always dreamed of until a surprise in their happily ever after appears on an ultrasound monitor, rocking their relationship to the core.

Hadley has the faith in Luca, which he lacks in himself, and she tries to help him see that history won’t repeat itself. While Luca struggles to overcome a childhood tragedy, Hadley continues to work on getting him to embrace the joys of having a baby on the way. 

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