Their New Beginning (Oh Captain, My Captain 5)

Author:Lindsay Paige


Series:Oh Captain, My Captain

Total pages:61


Oh Captain, My Captain presents Jax Godwin of the Las Vegas Gamblers.

Jax Godwin has been married to the love of his life for almost five years. But lately, things haven't been great. In the middle of hockey season and trying to recover from another year of missing the playoffs, Jax has let his career become his number one priority. He's ready to get things back on track until his wife's actions has him rethinking everything.

Avery Godwin has loved Jax Godwin since the day he came into the emergency room where she works. With a quick marriage, Avery becomes comfortable in her new life until Jax's priorities change. After months of neglect and lack of communication, she begins to questions Jax's love for her. It becomes worse when Avery takes a vacation away from him and finds comfort from another man.

The couple is far away from who they were when their relationship began and they both have to figure out if they can start again with a new beginning. 

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