Let's Be Crazy (Oh Captain, My Captain 4)

Author:Lindsay Paige


Series:Oh Captain, My Captain

Total pages:81


Oh Captain, My Captain presents Ashton Campbell of the Utah Bears.

Ashton Campbell balances his time between hockey and his young son, Reed. He can't manage to find anyone good enough to be introduced into his little family, not that he spends a lot of time looking. As soon as he lays eyes on the beautiful, yet annoyed fan, he knows he needs at least one date with her, but he has to convince her to say yes first.

Lexie Allen's life revolves around her daughter, Sadie. She has kept her focus only on her since the death of her husband in Iraq. She never worried about having a personal relationship with another man again. The only luxury she holds onto is her love of hockey, which doesn't include the Utah Bears.

Ashton goes after what he wants and what he wants is Lexie. She, on the other hand, has to realize that sometimes, you have to be a little crazy to earn a happily ever after. 

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