Worth The Risk (Carolina Rebels 5)

Author:Lindsay Paige


Series:Carolina Rebels

Total pages:86


EJ Bertuzzi didn’t expect to be a father so soon in life, and he’s had to rely on others for help when it comes to taking care of his little princess, Bree. At first, it was his mom, and after a long, excruciating search, it’s now his attractive nanny, Raelynn. But EJ has some insecurities. Not to mention, the last thing he needs to do is something to cause his perfect nanny to quit.

Raelynn Woods is a young single mom who has had many lows in her life with the only bright spot being her son, Jackson. For the past five years, she's done whatever she's had to do to make ends meet for her and Jackson. Raelynn has a difficult time trusting others and letting people in, but she hopes working as EJ's nanny can help change that and bring some much needed stability into their lives.

EJ and Raelynn battle with their attraction to one another while struggling to keep a friendly, yet professional relationship. If they give each other a chance, they might just discover the outcome is worth the risk.

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