Seduce (Beautiful Rose 0.50)

Author:Missy Johnson


Series:Beautiful Rose

Total pages:0


Every woman wants the Jack Falcon experience.

The son of one of the wealthiest men in Britain, I’m one of the most eligible—and most talked about—bachelors in the county.

You can read about me on the walls of female bathrooms in pubs across the country. Women literally throw themselves at me, and when I’m done, I throw them back and move onto the next one. I make it my mission to be on the tip of every woman’s tongue...


My life is prefect, just the way it is.

Until I meet Belle.

At first she’s just a challenge. She’s the woman who isn’t falling for my usual lines, or the smile I’ve worked so hard to perfect. Strong and independent, her youthful beauty is a far cry from the usual type of women I attract.

I’m determined to break her, no matter what it takes, because I can have any woman I want.

Just when I think I have her, the whole game changes. This was the last thing I expected, and I know I need to stay away from her.

Only I can’t. How can you stay away from someone you’re falling in love with?

But worse than that, I know I will eventually end up destroying everything I love about her

“Really, I’m not as bad as my reputation makes me out to be. In fact, I’d go as far to describe myself as a decent guy. I just have no interest in a relationship that extends beyond a quick fuck when it suits me. I really don’t see how it’s my fault or problem if a chick falls for my boyish charms. Every woman seems to think she can change me, that she somehow has something all the other notches on my belt didn’t have.”
