Soul Of A Demon (The Dark Angel Wars 2)

Author:Lacy Andersen


Series:The Dark Angel Wars

Total pages:47


Heaven and Hell are determined to own her.

Still stinging from her recent brushes with death, Lizzy Redding is determined to become a warrior worthy of her green-eyed angel and the rest of the Nephilim line. But her efforts are proving dangerous and the harder she pushes herself, the more reckless she becomes.

When a mysterious, yet strangely familiar woman appears in the forest and reveals a devastating secret about her birthright, Lizzy is catapulted from the security of her new life into danger once again. Now, with Heaven and Hell both grappling for control of her destiny, she must learn to control her powers…or be consumed by them.

Fighting the demon within isn’t easy - but she’ll battle all of Hell to save her angel warrior and family.

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