Vixen Claimed (Vintage Vixen 1)

Author:Shyla Colt


Series:Vintage Vixen

Total pages:13


When Devlin's car breaks down on a stretch of empty highway, with the sun going down, the last thing she feels is lucky. A moonlight stroll to what looks like an abandoned garage brings her face to face with the first man who broke her heart and shattered her belief in love.

Jace has spent the past six years furious at Devlin for a rejection she never truly delivered. The truth sets them both straight and allows a chance to begin anew. But this time around Jace has a very special request, that they include his best friend.

Plagued by sexual impotency after a career-ending car accident Tristan has grown bitter and disinterested in the opposite sex. The sexy vixen who steps into the shop unexpectedly changes all of that. Problem is she's his best friend's ex.

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