A Barker Family Christmas (The Barker Triplets 3.50)

Author:Juliana Stone


Series:The Barker Triplets

Total pages:38


Spending Christmas with the Barker triplets just might be the craziest idea ever…

Christmas in New Waterford might never be the same again. With Shane and Bobbi on the outs, Logan and Billie adjusting to sleepless nights and a baby who’s now mobile, things are bad enough. But with newly minted Hollywood superstar, Betty, planning a wedding in town, the potential for disaster is high.

Their gramps has been sidelined by a fall and their father is ailing, so can these triplets get it together—and more importantly—get along? Or will they kill each other before the turkey is served? It just might take a miracle for them to survive the holidays without any injuries. With Matt Hawkins and a Simon or two along for the ride, this Christmas will be full of tears, laughs, reflection—and if Betty has her way—a wedding 

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