914 Bittersweet Ln. (A Cherry Falls Romance)

Author:Frankie Love


Total pages:24


With blonde hair and sun-kissed skin, Paisley Cassidy looks like summer.
Her eyes though, tell a different story.
Everyone here in the Ranchlands knows her life has been sadder than the songs she writes. Her voice is the sound of an angel who lost its wings long time ago. Hauntingly beautiful.
Her dreams of leaving town were dashed the day her mama set fire to her family home.
Now, Paisley’s life is nothing but sacrifice.

I know a thing about giving up dreams, but most folks wouldn’t guess it.
I mask my heartbreak with a smile but Paisley sees the cracks.
She sees all of me.
I want to give this girl the life she longs for: the big city stage.
But we don’t always get what we want.
And some love stories don’t have a happy ending.
Good thing I’m the one fighting for Paisley.
There’s been enough bitter in this girl’s life.
It’s time for her to find the sweet.
Even if it’s not with me.

Dear Reader,
This trip to Cherry Falls starts with Holt Stone – a big-hearted rancher who believes in three things: hard work, love, and the power of line dancing.
You don’t have to love a man in cowboy boots to appreciate Holt’s moves.
I promise – he can deliver on and off the dance floor.
Xo, Frankie 

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