Campus Heartthrob (The Campus Series)

Author:Jennifer Sucevic


Total pages:107


Brayden Kendricks might be God’s gift to the female species at Western University, but I want nothing to do with the dark-haired football player. The guy is an attention seeking you-know-what who soaks up fan adoration like it’s his due in life for being hot and talented.
Damn. Did I just say that?
All right, fine...I’ll grudgingly admit that Brayden is decent looking. I suppose if you’re into guys who resemble Greek gods with abs of steel and chiseled pecs, then sure, one could consider him attractive.
Am I guilty of having a tiny, practically non-existent crush on him freshman year?
I’d prefer not to answer that question.
Thankfully, I quickly came to my senses and have made a concerted effort to steer clear of Brayden ever since. It hasn’t been easy, considering that my bestie is now dating his roommate and we’ve been thrown together for an accounting project. You’d think after years of baring my teeth at him like a rabid dog, the guy would have gotten the memo that I’m not interested.
Apparently not, since he’s spreading word around campus that we’re going out.
I mean, can you even imagine?
Dating Brayden Kendricks?
I have four words for him...

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