Fantasy Man

Monica's friend Jules, author of bestselling 'Telling Lust from Love', sends her a Christmas gift from Fantasies Unlimited—a menu of treats to be followed by a Fantasy Man, Nick, to perform them. When she answers a knock at the door to find the sexiest guy she's ever seen, she assumes it's him even though he wears a tool belt and carries a toolbox. He looks like he's just stepped off the page of a Playgirl calendar and it never occurs to her that he might really be a carpenter.

Rick knows it's wrong not to set her straight, but since she's set to do who-knows-what with a stranger, why not him? He hasn't had any sexual desire since he found his fiancée in bed with his best friend, and this is the perfect chance to see if he can perform.

He certainly can, and Monica and her Fantasy Man enjoy incredible sex until she learns the truth. But can they get past the deception and turn lust into love?