A Classic Alpha For Christmas

Author:Shani Greene-Dowdell


Total pages:34


You can be mean when you look this clean… Classic Man.
I like that song because it fits my swagger, which women love.
When a woman is with me, she’s with me.
I meet all of her needs—no question.
But lately, I’ve lost my appetite for the average woman.
I don't mean to be arrogant, but I’m looking for the one who can fit into my world perfectly—a classic.
Oh, yeah, and I need her by Christmas.

Men, most of them are not ready for a relationship.
And, well, on most days I’m not either.
But I told my mother I was dating someone, and well…
I have to find him, so I can take him home for Christmas.
A speed-date night lines me up with the perfect set up
A handsome man who also needs a stand-in for Christmas.
Except, I could actually see myself falling for him.
I don’t want to get hurt, and I can see in his eyes that he’s hurt many feelings.
If I can hold it together until the New Year, I’ll make it through this.
If not, I’m ruined.

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