Devoted (Whiskey Run 5)

Author:Hope Ford


Series:Whiskey Run

Total pages:21


She’s a beautiful model.

And she’s from the city.

Two big reasons why I shouldn’t want her.

I enjoy my life in Whiskey Run.

I’m a small-town, blue-collar mechanic.

And I know where I stand.

Half the women in this town can’t get past the grease under my nails.

So I know better than to get mixed up with her.

I think I can forget about her.

Then I get to know her.

Then I start to like her.

Then I don’t want to let her go.

She’s here for a job to promote Blaze Whiskey.

She’s turned this town upside down

and she’s too tempting to pass up.

One night. I give her one night.

Surely that will be enough.

I’ll get her out of my system and we can both move on with our lives.

But what if I don’t want to let her go?

What if I want to claim her instead? 

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