Close Harmony (Food Of Love 3)

Author:Justine Elyot


Series:Food Of Love

Total pages:99


How do you choose between two perfect men? It's like choosing your favourite music certain pieces suit certain moods. Which mood is Lydia feeling the most? The autumn season of the Westminster Symphony Orchestra finds Lydia unable to choose between passionate Milan and dominant Karl-Heinz so she decides to give them both a chance. She hops from one bed to the other, trying to weigh up her options. Milan has a hold on her heart, but has never been reliable. Karl-Heinz is a good man, but what is the secret behind his strange repression? Old rivalries and new jealousies are kindled while Lydia works hard at having the time of her sex life. No trio has ever practised quite as hard as this But there is trouble in paradise for Ben and Vanessa, too, as a face from Vanessa s past makes an unwelcome appearance and all seems impossible to resolve. Amid turbulent emotions and orchestra rehearsals, the musicians work hard to negotiate a path to happiness. Will music prove to be the food of love, or a poison, infecting the future?

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