Knocked Up By The Mechanic

Author:Aria Cole


Total pages:40



Harley Brooks represented everything I hated. She was rich, beautiful, and belonged to a class of people who thought I was dirt. I vowed never to get tangled up with the likes of her, the elite East Pointers who ruled this town. But then Harley grew up and wasn’t like the rest.

Now that I’ve seen who Harley is, I ‘d rather suffer the consequences than stay away from her.


Wyatt Dunne has been my dad’s mechanic since I was in pigtails, but we grew up in two completely different worlds. People from the South Banks didn’t mix with East Point society, and Wyatt had good reason to despise us even more than most. Despite our separate universes, sparks fly and we can’t stay away from each other.

Money can get you lots of things, but it can’t buy love.

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