Seven Soulmates

Author:Kelli Callahan


Total pages:31


Everyone is supposed to have a soulmate, right? As it turns out, I have seven.

I created an algorithm that would help connect people to their soulmate. It wasn't like traditional dating apps that were designed for nothing more than hooking up. It was meant to find a genuine connection that could last a lifetime. I ran thousands of tests that proved it worked until I entered my information into it. Then I got the shock of my life. It didn't match me with one person. It matched me with seven.

Ethan Prince, the billionaire software developer that financed my project. How could he be my soulmate when we had spent so much time together already without realizing the sparks were there?

Boyd, a mechanic from a small town that looked like a thug and didn't seem to have anything in common with me. He wasn't my type at all, even if he was hot-as-sin.

Miguel, a former cage fighter from Sin City that seemed sweet when I met him, but clearly had a dark side to his passion. Why did he intrigue me so much?

Gary, a guy with his heart bleeding it was so gashed from the betrayal of the woman he thought was his soulmate. He was wounded, but I felt like he deserved happiness.

Kurt, a former television reality star hiding in the shadows of fame that went wrong when his mistake went viral. I used to laugh at him...

Alex and Ben, twin football players that were superstars in college and destined to be legends when they went pro. They're favorite activity off the field involved one woman between them.

Kelli's Note: This is a steamy standalone Reverse Harem romance. If you can't handle insta-love x7, then this probably isn't the book for you. The sparks fly as soon as lips meet and if you forgot to leave your panties at the door, then I promise this will make them melt. Oh, and there's a dog. His story might make you cry. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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