Outlaw (The Hidden Planet 3)

Author:Sophie Stern

Category:Science Fiction

Series:The Hidden Planet

Total pages:41


Outlawed from his own planet years ago, Gaz lives a lonely life on Sapphira. Oh, he's amazing at his job. He dominates the courtroom and there's not a case he can't win, but the one thing he wants more than anything can't be found in a courtroom.

Hayden was hurt years ago and still doesn't trust men. Except for Gaz, that is. He's different. He's kind. He's always been there for her, like a guardian angel she didn't ask for but desperately wants.

When Gaz's brother brings him news of Orchid, he has a decision to make. Will he return home to the life he once knew? Or will he stay and fight for the woman of his dreams?

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