Big Bad Academy

Author:Sophie Stern

Category:Young Adult

Total pages:66


In a world where vampires rule the night,
In a place where werewolves roam free,
In a universe where anything could happen,
You have to be ready.

I’m a writer. I’m not a fighter, or a hunter, or the kind of girl who carries a sword. I’ve never shot a gun and I’ve never even gotten in a real fight before. I dream up love stories; I don’t cause trouble.

At least, I didn’t think I did.

But when Flynn Richardson marches into my book signing and hauls me off into the night, I realize that my books have done more harm than good and I’m forced into a school where the monsters I write about are real.

They actually exist.

And not a single one of them likes me.

Welcome to Big Bad Academy.

It’s going to be a bad year.

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