Saint (Hot Shots 4)

Author:Tory Baker


Series:Hot Shots

Total pages:25


Saint Hunt is a rambler.
He’s never satisfied in one place too long.
He’s traveled here, there, and everywhere in between.
When his best friends begin finding their happily ever after, he realizes just how empty everything in his life is.

Emerson Smith is a disaster waiting to happen. She falls, stumbles, and trips at the drop of a hat—and she’s usually the one dropping the hat.
Saint steps in to rescue her once and the moment he has her in his arms, he knows that he wants to be the man that gets the privilege to save Emerson from herself… for the rest of their lives.

Tory brings you back to Florida in the final book in the Hot Shots series. Yeah she’s sad, too, but don’t worry this series ends with a bang—or two, maybe more. As always with Tory sit back and expect an over-the-top alpha, super insta-love and a happily ever after to make you swoon.

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