My Fireman's Secret Baby

Author:Jamie Knight


Total pages:31


He saved my life.
And then we made a new one together.

I've been so busy building my career,
that I've never had time for guys.
Especially not bad boys like Kyst.
Sure, he's as hot as the fires he fights.
But he's also a cocky player.
So, I know to stay far away from him.
Until a fire burns down my business.
And I find myself in his strong arms.
He gives me shelter and comfort.
And I give him my virginity.
Then I find out he left me with another gift.
And I'm not even sure how to tell him.

The chemistry between us ignited into a blazing flame.
But is it hot enough to melt his heart forever?

My Fireman's Secret Baby is a standalone secret baby romance. Jamie Knight promises to always bring you a happy ever after filled with plenty of heat. And never any cheating or cliffhangers!

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