Hello, Valentine (Holiday Love)

Author:ChaShiree M


Total pages:15


My name is May, and I am an Andrew-a-holic.
I have been in love with him since i knew what it meant. There is just one problem…he is my stepbrother. I know I shouldn’t want him, need him, crave him…but I do and I don’t see it going away. I just wish I knew if he felt the same for me. How long can I wait to find out if the love of my life loves me back? And can we ignore the disapproval of those closest to us?

She is my air, sunshine and heart. She is my Valentine. She just also happens to be my stepsister. I know the stigma behind a love like ours and I should care, but I don’t. I have been waiting for this moment my entire life and I will be damned if someone keeps us apart. May is mine and I will defy all to prove it to her.

This is NOT a stepbrother romance. It’s a romance with stepsiblings. You asked for May and Andrew from Thank You, Christmas! and I have delivered. Enjoy their sweet, love story. I did.

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