Duke Of Treason (Rogues From War 3)

Author:Lisa Torquay


Series:Rogues from War

Total pages:59


When Annabel, widow Countess of Winchester receives a new assignment, she never thought her mission would take her to the Duke of Blackthorne's castle. The Duke is committing treason against England and she must collect the proof that will take him to trial. Though she married another, she had never forgotten the summer together in their neighbouring estates eight years ago. Meeting his commanding hazel eyes now makes her insides twirl with molten sensations. She will not consort with a traitor, says her mind, but her body has other scalding intentions entirely.

Romulus loathes Annabel for ditching a second son for a title. He does not know she married another for she had news of his death at war. When he inherits from his late brother, he becomes a recluse, minding his own estates and leading his secret operations. He wants nothing to do with the headstrong woman stranded in his castle, acting very suspiciously. Having her under his roof erupts a whole mine of unwelcome reactions and he is on the brink of exploding in a thousand shards of insane passion.

Level of Sensuality: Hot, Sizzling

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