Skin To Skin (Skin Deep #3)

Author:J.M. Stone

Category:Young Adult

Series:Skin Deep

Total pages:58


“I kissed Brandon.”

Three little words. One drunken night. And everything changed.

Starting over is never easy to do, and Chloe made it that much harder on herself when she lip-locked Brandon. Guilt-ridden, she confesses to Allie about the kiss. Instead of the black eye she figured was coming, she gets way more than she bargained for in the form of an Allie-sized reality check...but she still can’t shake the haunting memory of a certain toe-curling, leave-you-breathless, wet-your-panties kiss.

With Brandon and Chloe walking on egg-shells around each other, fate, this time in the form of two scheming, hormonal, pregnant women and three funny furballs, steps in once more, forcing them to face the fact that things have definitely changed between them…

But is it for better or worse?

Recommended for readers 18+ due to HOT sexual encounters, adult situations, and language. This is book three of the Skin Deep Series; recommended to read after Skin Deep, book one of the series, and Under My Skin, book two of the series.

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