Margaritas By Moonlight (Maybe Mandy 2)

Author:Chris Genovese


Series:Maybe Mandy

Total pages:39


Mandy’s on vacation, from the job and from memories of Braden, but on foreign land a little WORK may be required. Sex on foreign soil isn’t just a game…it’s a conquest.

This is an adult erotic novella with graphic sexual content. Buyer beware.

Steamy Sampler:

It suddenly felt very hot in the club. The air was humid. My hair clung to my shoulders but it turned me on even more. Feeling his sweaty arm against mine made me imagine our bare bodies pumping away in the heat. I imagined his chest glistening as he spread my legs.

I leaned back against him and touched my forehead to his neck. My lips were just below his chin. I wanted him to lean forward and kiss me. He didn’t.

That bothered me.

I f***ing want you dammit. Kiss me, I thought.

I tried to look up into his face but it was too dark. I looked around us and everyone else was too shrouded in the shadows to see clearly. I found the faceless silhouettes surrounding us to be erotic. I was getting turned on by the tension in the air and the urge to f**k Valentino was becoming too much to handle.

No one could see us. No one knew the hunger growing inside me.

No one saw his right hand move around and go up under my shirt. I felt his fingers trace over my belly button and traipse up my stomach to my bra.

“I want you,” he whispered in my ear.

I want you too, right here on the dance floor. Take me back to my room, I thought.

I thought it but I didn’t say it. I couldn’t for some reason. I just froze. And has his hand made its way up to my right breast and over it, I could barely move at all. He moved his fingers over my skin, right between my breasts, and then cupped his big hand over my breast and squeezed gently.

I moaned but the loud music masked it.

His left hand moved on, making its way up my dress. I looked around to see if anyone else was watching, but it was dark, it was late, everyone in the place was smashed, and Jill had her tongue down Marco’s throat.

I put my own hand over Valentino’s and he seemed to take it as a sign that I wanted him to stop. He started to pull his hand away. I grabbed it and shoved it hard against my p***y, showing him exactly where I NEEDED his hand to be.

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