Vidal! (Snakes Henchmen MC 6)

Author:Alivia Grayson


Series:Snakes Henchmen MC

Total pages:63


My name is Draven Vidal. That's Don Vidal to you. You may have heard of me thanks to my siblings Maria, and Hammer. Whatever you've heard is probably true, the good and the bad.
Yes, I maim.
Yes, I torture.
Yes, I kill.
I love what I do, and I do it well

Women don't factor in my life unless they're spreading their legs for the night. That's all it was ever supposed to be with Marnie. One night where she bent to my every whim and left the next morning with a smile on her face. I didn't know she was married, and I couldn't give a shit when I found out. If a man can't satisfy his woman, I certainly will.
When Marnie comes to me to tell me that she's carrying my baby... Well, I've heard it all before. Women are evil creatures who think they can bullshit the Don and fake a pregnancy because the power I wheeled goes to their heads. No woman will ever have me falling for something so cliched it should be a crime.
However, it isn't bullshit, and Marnie really is pregnant with my child, which means only one thing... That woman is now mine. Whether she likes it or not!


I knew I'd be walking into the lion's den and forfeiting my freedom when I decided to tell the Don about our baby. However, I didn't expect to leave one violent man for another. Draven thinks I'm lying about the baby because I want him to get rid of my ex-husband. He couldn't be more wrong. I told him because he has a right to know. I didn't expect him to force me to live with him and become his wife!
Nothing is ever going to be the same again. Among the loyalty tests, people taking over my life, trying to kill me, and never having any privacy, I have to find a way to trust the Don. Trusting him means there's a chance to bring home those missing from my life. However, when I'm attacked, and Draven takes his revenge, I have to face the fact that my chance has passed. Now I have to live with grief while trying to be the wife I am expected to be.
The truth is, I don't know if I can pull this off. Unless I become tougher, harder to the world I have found myself in; I won't survive. I'm not a quitter, and no matter what these insane people put me through, I'll prove I'm worthy of the Don!

Please be advised that this story contains violence, strong language, and scenes of a sexual nature. If you are easily offended, then this book is not for you.

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