Forbidden Prescription 6 (Forbidden Medicine 6)

Author:Stephanie Brother


Series:Forbidden Medicine

Total pages:30


She was off limits... a first-year resident, a potential surgical intern. But I wanted her for myself.

I’ve worked hard to get where I am in life, but as unshakeable as my confidence might be, there are still some things that are outside of my control... but I’m determined to change that.

On top of everything else going on in my life, I have to oversee the first-year residents for this session. Moving through the session these first-years have to apply for specialty internships, and the highest prize is with the surgical team. Now I just have to make a decision.

Olivia is the one I want – but I don’t just want her for the internship. I want her in my bed.

A simple ruse: bringing her as my fake girlfriend at an important fundraiser where I need to make a great impression.

It should have been simple. I should have been able to control myself, but when I got my hands on Olivia, all bets were off and all my careful plans went out the window. Now I have to hide our relationship from the hospital administration, her roommate, and my father...

And to make matters worse, it looks like my father and her mother are hitting it off. I don’t know what I’ll do if she joins the family…

This is a romance novel with NO cliffhangers, NO cheating, and a guaranteed happy ending!

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