Stepbrother On The Force

Author:Stephanie Brother

Category:Young Adult

Total pages:11


“If I haven’t gotten it across to you by now, let me try again: Matthew is a serious, card-carrying hottie. Girls are always after him. He’s got these amazing blue eyes and a body that could be on the cover of magazines. And on top of that, he’s so not a dirtbag.”
Nicolette’s life is a trainwreck, as she’ll be the first to tell you. With an addict boyfriend and on the brink of losing her job, she’s starting to feel desperate, backed into a dead end with no way out. She’s even feeling tempted by her boyfriend’s drugs, because doesn’t everyone deserve a moment of happiness? Just a moment?

Watching his stepsister spiraling the drain is Matthew. Mr. Good Guy. Built like a Mack truck with twinkling blue eyes, always ready to give people a hand, a cop who’s just been promoted to Detective, the youngest on the force. Will he step in and arrest the boyfriend for possession, in the hopes of freeing Nicolette from a destructive relationship?

Or will Nic herself find the strength to kick the boyfriend out, and the courage to accept the love her stepbrother wants to give?

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