Take Me To Paradise (Sinners On Tour 6.5)

Author:Olivia Cunning

Category:Billionaire Romance

Series:Sinners on Tour

Total pages:19


They've already had their happily ever after...

Sinners' lead guitarist Brian Sinclair is desperately in love with his new wife, Myrna. The only thing that could make their lives together more perfect is if they started a family. Try as they might—and they do try, and try, and try—it doesn't seem as if Myrna will ever conceive. The newlyweds decide to take an overdue honeymoon to Aruba while Brian waits for his band to go back on tour. Perhaps with a little stress-reducing relaxation and absolutely no rest—they do have a baby to make—Brian can give Myrna what she most desires.

But is someone trying to take their happily ever after away...

Not all is right in paradise. One of Brian's overzealous fans keeps interrupting the happy couple's alone time. And it seems there's more behind this fan's actions than just exuberance for one of his favorite musicians. Is his annoying behavior harmless or does something sinister lurk in the penthouse next door?

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