Night's Mistress (Children Of The Night 5)

Author:Amanda Ashley


Series:Children of The Night

Total pages:76


For centuries, Mara has been a creature of the night: mysterious, alluring, and fiercely independent. Although she has been pursued throughout her life—by Vampire and mortal alike—she has never allowed love to claim her. But when she discovers she’s pregnant, Mara finds herself torn between two unforgettable men…

Kyle Bowden is the mortal father of her unborn child. A gorgeous, golden-haired artist full of passion and life, Kyle was ready to give his soul to Mara—until he learned her terrible secret.

Logan Blackwood is the Vampire she created nine-hundred years ago. Now a Hollywood millionaire with all the dark seductive power of his kind, Logan still longs for the woman who turned him.

With time running out—and her Dark Gift fading—Mara must decide what is best for the miraculous new life growing inside her. But first she must embrace the feelings in her heart—and choose one lover…for all eternity. 

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